News Paper Hockey is a fun sport. It involves a bit of planning as each youth needs a rolled up piece of news paper (long ways) which is taped up at both ends. Variations of making the bat which can also be made into the start of the activity are:
- Straight Bat like a Baseball Bat
- Curved bat like a hockey stick
- Fat Bat like a cricket bat
- Long Bat 2x news papers taped together.
LDS Combined mutual Activity – News Paper Hockey
Depending on the amount of youth, you will need a news paper stick for everyone. One news paper depending on its thickens should make a few bats.
A soft medium sized ball is used and goal posts are set up at either end. You can use chairs for the goal posts. Virtually no rules just get the ball to the other end and into the net. Best played in the cultural hall for speed. News Paper Hockey can be played outside on grass for a more physical game.
The ball should be like a child’s vinyl ball, beach balls work good as well, but the soft spongy balls are the best. Have some spare news papers ready to be made up as they tend to get destroyed if used a light sabres, which the youth often do.
Turn the lights off and wear glow sticks for a crazy game of News Paper Hockey.
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